Topi-CLICK® 35 DoseCheck™
Dispenser Volume: Up to 34mL
Delivery Volume: 30mL (based on beginning initial start point at the 30mL graduated mark)
Dispense per CLICK: 0.25mL
Approximate Residual: 3.50mL (Residual remaining after plunger reaches the “0” graduated mark
Approximate Priming: 0.50mL or two CLICKs
Doses Provided: The Topi-CLICK® 35 DoseCheck™ will provide approximately 30 mL or 60 doses (at 2 CLICKs per dose or 120 CLICKs total) between the “30” and “0” graduated marks. 1 mL of cream can still be dispensed from the DoseCheck™ after reaching ”0”. The 1 mL buffer space is there to ensure accurate visual dose tracking and dispensation is maintained for the patient.
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