Topi-CLICK® In the National Spotlight

Instructions & Downloads

Product Information Patient Counsel Information
Topi-CLICK® 35 Topi-CLICK® 35 & 140 Patient Use
Topi-CLICK® 140 Topi-CLICK® 35 & 140 Patient Use (Español)
Topi-CLICK Perl® Vaginal Dosing Kit Topi_CLICK Perl® Patient Use
Topi-CLICK Micro® Topi-CLICK Perl® Patient Use (Español)
Topi-CLICK MICRO® New Colors Available Topi-CLICK Micro® Patient Use
Topi-CLICK® 35 DoseCheck™ Topi-CLICK Micro® Patient Use (Español)
Topi-CLICK® 35 3Port™ Topi-CLICK® DoseCheck™ Patient Use
Topi-CLICK® 35 Light SAFE™ Topi-CLICK® Troche-CLICK™ Patient Use
Topi-CLICK® 35 Product Specifications
Topi-CLICK® Troche-CLICK™
SpeedDispenser™ Cup Product Specifications

Pharmacy Filling Instructions Veterinary Patient Counsel Information
Topi-Filler™ Filling Station & Topi-CLICK® Filling Nozzles Topi-CLICK® 35 Veterinary Patient Use
Topi-Filler™ Filling Station SOP Topi-CLICK Micro® Veterinary Patient Use
Topi-CLICK® Filling Accessories Topi-CLICK® Veterinary Dosing Solutions
Topi-CLICK® 35 & 140 Filling Instructions
Topi-CLICK Micro® Filling Instructions
Topi-CLICK® Micro® Actuator Preparation for Filling Recycling & Travel
Topi-CLICK® 35 DoseCheck™ Filling Instructions Topi-CLICK_Recycling Information
Topi-CLICK® Troche-CLICK™ Filling Instructions Traveling with Topi-CLICK®
Topi-CLICK® RadpiFill™ System Manual
Topi-CLICK® RapidFill™ System

Pharmacy Editable Documents UV Test Analysis
Topi-CLICK® Patient Use Instructions [Editable] Topi-CLICK® 35 Light SAFE™ UV Analysis
Topi-CLICK® Perl™ Patient Use Instructions [Editable] Topi-CLICK® 35 & 140 UV Analysis
Topi-CLICK Micro® Patient Use Instructions [Editable]
Topi-CLICK Micro® Veterinary Use Instructions [Editable] Distributors
Labels: Topi-CLICK Demo Label [Editable] Distributor List
Labels: Topi-CLICK Micro® Demo Label [Editable]
Labels: Refill Badge Label Directions Instructional Videos
Topi-CLICK® 35 is easy as 1-2-3
Easy Vaginal Dosing with Topi-CLICK® Perl™
Topi-CLICK Micro® Quick-Fill Technology